There are similar licenses, but nothing quite like SOUL—especially with the whitelabel-friendly structure.
Commercially Open, SaaS Restricted – Unlike GPL or AGPL, SOUL allows commercial use without forcing open-source, except for SaaS models.
No Copyleft for Plugins – This is huge. Many restrictive licenses (AGPL, SSPL) force plugins to inherit the license, but SOUL lets devs monetize plugins separately.
Whitelabel Friendly – Since you don’t impose branding restrictions by default, businesses can use SOUL-licensed software under their own brand (unless you add a trademark clause).
Worldwide Enforcement – Most open-source licenses don’t specify global applicability as explicitly as SOUL does.
A few have elements of SOUL, but none are identical:
SOUL is one of the few licenses explicitly designed to be open-source, SaaS-protected, and whitelabel-friendly.